EAP Security Deposit/Warranty

Use this procedure to remove a security deposit or to remove an equipment warranty, or update a warranty date.


Process Steps:

  1. From the Left Navigation menu, select Benefit Issuance, then EAP, and select EAP Security Deposit/Warranty.

  2. In the Search Criteria section, you can:

  3. Click Search.

  4. When search results return, click the pencil icon to edit the existing record.

  5. The EAP Security Deposit/Warranty Detail page displays.

  6. In the Security Deposit/Warranty Detail Update section:


If Yes is selected from the Remove Security Deposit dropdown menu (and Update is clicked to complete the action):

  • If benefits have been issued, the next time eligibility is run, eligibility will allow a new service request to be created and approved for the same security deposit type.

  • If benefits have not been issued, the Credit Authorization/Direct Pay record will be closed without issuance. The service request status will be updated to Closed. Eligibility will allow a new service request to be created and approved for a new security deposit.


If Yes is selected from the Remove Warranty dropdown menu (and Update is clicked to complete the action), the warranty for the service request/equipment will be removed. When eligibility is run after this update, a warranty will not be considered as applicable for the equipment service request.


When the Warranty Start Date and Warranty Length fields are updated, eligibility rules will take into account the new values whenever eligibility is next determined. Updates made to the Warranty Start Date and/or Warranty Length field(s) on this page will reflect on the Credit Authorization Detail/Issuance page for the corresponding credit authorization record.


  1. Click Update.
  2. Upon clicking the Update button and if Remove Warranty or Remove Security Deposit is selected as Yes, a warning message will be shown. The warning message is to confirm that you are removing the Warranty or Security Deposit and if that’s what you really want. Workers will need to click the Update button again to remove the security deposit or warranty.


Results of the Procedure:

Security deposit or warranty is removed, or the warranty is changed.

Updated 05/30/2017