Medical Assistance

MA Electronic Verifications and the SNAP Flow


When MA, Self-Direct applications are submitted to VaCMS and the application is associated to an ongoing SNAP case, there is a special flow that will be used to determine if SNAP income can be used for MA eligibility determination called the SNAP Flow.

VaCMS Rules for the SNAP Flow

VaCMS will utilize the following rules specific to the SNAP Flow:

·         MA Self-Direct application submitted.

o   Condition 1

VaCMS during ‘File Clearance’ for Self-Directed applications will search for an associated active SNAP case where all members on the MA application requesting MA are in the same SNAP HH.

o   Condition 2:

VaCMS will then determine if income has been verified within the last 12 months. Both the SNAP and attested income on the MA application must be at or below 138% FPL.


·         When the two conditions above are met, VaCMS will use the verified income from the approved SNAP case to determine MA eligibility.

o   The MA Electronic Source Summary screen will not present in the SNAP Flow as an electronic source call is not made in this flow.


·         When the two conditions above do not exist or self-employment is present VaCMS will not utilize the SNAP Flow to determine eligibility for MA.

SNAP Flow Example

When a MA application is approved, VaCMS during File Clearance will look for an “approved SNAP” case where everyone on the MA request (Kid and Three) are in the approved SNAP case.






First Example: In this example, the Program Request screen is presented to identify the HH composition for the SNAP case and MA application.


« Not all persons on the MA application are included in the approved SNAP case. Therefore, this MA application should fail self-direct and an alert generate.


«LDSS will need to manually process this application.

Second Example:  HH composition for both MA and approved SNAP case are the same.


VaCMS will run the Self-direct process and use rules for the SNAP Flow.


SNAP Eligibility






The SNAP Income Eligibility screen will display with the total income for the approved SNAP case with income verified within the last 12 months.


Now select the MA tab.





The Medicaid – EDG Summary screen will display.


The Medicaid Eligibility – EDG Summary screen will display.


The Medicaid Eligibility – Notice Reasons screen will display.

o   Points out that Self-direct used the SNAP verification flow.   - - - - Remember, there will not be a Medical Assistance – Electronic Source Income screen when the SNAP Flow is used.


