Medical Assistance

Preventing Common MMIS Transaction Failures

Sending Information from the VaCMS to the MMIS

The MMIS Transaction History page in the VaCMS allows you to see enrollment status information (Success/Failure) for eligible MA individuals from the VaCMS to the MMIS. The act of sending this information is called a “transaction.”

In most instances, you only have one opportunity to transmit an MMIS transaction from the VaCMS; if the transaction fails, you may need to enroll the individual into the MMIS manually or update other information directly in MMIS. Manual entry of information into the MMIS is not ideal, as it creates additional effort and can impact the accuracy of reports generated from the VaCMS.

Some MMIS transaction failures can only be resolved by submitting a Help Desk ticket so that a technical fix can be performed. However, some common MMIS transaction failures are preventable. This document outlines the most common types of MMIS transaction failures and describes how you can prevent some of them. Remember, you must send case information to MMIS after authorizing your results, otherwise there will be no record of the case/changes in MMIS.

Note: The steps in the table below should only be done after attempting to resend the failed transaction in the VaCMS. For instructions on how to properly resend MMIS transactions, read the Resending VaCMS Transactions Rejected by MMIS QRG.

Common MMIS Transaction Failures


Failure Code

Failure Code Message

Action Required If Failure Occurs

How to Prevent This Transaction Failure


Possible duplicate found on file. Use established MMIS procedures to request DMAS review.

Workers should first clear any duplicate issues in the MMIS.  For detailed instructions, please see the MMIS Users’ Guide for DSS online at DMAS website at:

When duplicate issue has been resolved, update MMIS and/or VaCMS with the correct information. To update VaCMS, correct the Case and Enrollee information on the Match MMIS Case/Enrollee ID screen

When a duplicate Member ID, SSN or Name is found and matched in MMIS, this error is displayed.  Prior to enrolling a member into MMIS, system searches should be performed to ensure the individual is not already enrolled.  Workers must clear any duplicate issue in MMIS prior to sending the enrollment from VaCMS.

File clear in MMIS and assign the existing enrollee ID to these applicants to avoid this error.


Case ID Already on File.

Please contact DMAS to manually update clients in MMIS.

Rather than typing existing case IDs, you should search the MMIS Enrollee and Case IDs using the MMIS File Clearance option.  


Relationship Code Already Active for Case.

This issue normally occurs when there is a MMIS match between the VaCMS and MMIS Case names.

1.     Correct MMIS relationship prior to resending transaction from the VaCMS

2.     Or, assign a new MMIS Case ID in the VaCMS on the MMIS Individual Details screen.


When creating a case in the VaCMS, do not use the existing MMIS case number if the case name does not match between the new and existing case.

1.     Prior to enrolling a member into the MMIS, perform system searches to determine if the individual is already known to MMIS.

2.     If the client is found in MMIS, determine the relationship code.

3.     MMIS only allows one relationship code of 00 (case head) and/or 01 (spouse) per case.

4.     Correct the MMIS relationship prior to sending the transaction from VaCMS.

5.     Or assign a new MMIS Case ID in VaCMS on the MMIS Individual Details screen.



This failure normally occurs when multiple clients are being enrolled from VaCMS and the transaction for the Case Name fails. If the Case Name does not transfer, an MMIS Case Number is not created in MMIS and thus the remaining family members fail with Error Code “VALID CASE ID required.”


To correct this error you will need to identify why the enrollment of case name failed. Once that is fixed this issue will get resolved during resend.

Enrollment of Case Name is important as that establishes a new Case in MMIS. Make sure everything is correct for the case name prior to sending. If not possible to correct the case name transaction via VaCMS, contact DMAS to establish the Case and Case Name in MMIS.  



1.     Prior to enrolling a member into MMIS, perform system searches to determine if individual is already known to MMIS.

2.     If the individual is found, determine if this is the MMIS Case ID that should be used as case name in the VaCMS.

3.     If a legacy number exists in ADAPT, ensure that the ADAPT legacy number exists in MMIS with a matching Case First and Last Name.

Generate a new MMIS Case ID in the VaCMS instead of acquiring it from any other source. (ADAPT or from locality register.)

Prior to reusing existing MMIS Case ID, make sure VaCMS Case Name matches with MMIS Case Name (First and Last name - see details of error code 3786)



If both the first and last name are different, a new MMIS Case Number should be created.  If the first and/or last name is being changed due to a correction (for example, incorrect spelling), then make all corrections in MMIS first.

You are allowed to change all of the address fields contained in an address. However, you cannot change the case name and the address in a single transaction.

If user is moving a client from one VaCMS case to another, make sure that MMIS Case ID belonging to the new VaCMS case name is assigned to the client being moved. 

1.     Prior to enrolling a member into the MMIS, perform system searches to determine if the case name is already known to MMIS.

2.     If the case name is found and both the first and last names are different, assign a new case number.

3.     If the case name is found and either the first name or last name is different, then the first and last name must be changed one at a time.

4.     If the first name requires correction, change the first name in MMIS. Then change the name in VaCMS.  Send the change to MMIS.


Review date cannot be less than the current date

This enrollment failure will occur if you performed a re-instate, case change, or evaluated a new member in VaCMS on an overdue renewal case. MMIS doesn’t accept enrollment transactions with case review date in the past. To correct this failure:

1.     Click Resend but don’t resend the transaction.

2.     Update the renewal date if necessary

3.     Once renewal date has been changed to a future date, select MMIS Individual from the left navigation menu


4.     Resend the transaction

Before sending the transaction to MMIS, ensure that the case review date is a future date. To check or change the review date you should navigate to the Override Summary screen and follow the steps contained in the Updating a Renewal Date in the VaCMS QRG.


Review date cannot be more than 12 months in the future

You should use the Certification Period Override to update the Case Review date within 12 months of current date in VaCMS for failed transactions.

After updating Case Review Date in VaCMS you can resend transactions to MMIS

Before sending the transaction to MMIS, ensure that the case review date is no more than 12 months in the future.  To check or change the review date you should navigate to the Override Summary screen and follow the steps contained in the Updating a Renewal Date in the VaCMS QRG.


Enter a valid permanent Enrollee ID

This error occurs when changes are sent for a client whose MMIS enrollment failed. Check to see if the client is present in MMIS. If not, resend the enrollment transaction before sending any changes for this client to MMIS.

Ensure that the client is enrolled in MMIS before sending change transactions.


Updates were made to the data

 No worker action required. 

Informational message only.


Eligibility end date must be greater than, or equal to, eligibility begin date.

If transaction failure occurs you should coordinate with DMAS to enroll the clients in MMIS manually.

Ensure client eligibility segments are the same in MMIS and VaCMS.


Mother ID does not have eligibility on DOB

Enter a valid Mother ID

MMIS does not accept transactions for deemed new born clients if client's mother was not eligible for Medicaid during the birth of client. If you are sure the child is not a deemed new born then follow below steps to correct and resend the transaction for the child:

1. Navigate to the Client Demographics using the Left Navigation. Deselect Deemed Newborn for the Citizenship Verification.

2. Update the Citizenship Verification field to something other than Deemed Newborn

3. Re-run eligibility and resend MMIS transactions.

If client is a deemed newborn, contact DMAS for instructions on how to proceed.

Ensure that the child’s mother was eligible for Medicaid in MMIS during the birth of the child.



This was resolved with the Migration Phase I release. Current failures are for MMIS transactions that were certified prior to Migration Phase I. These failures are occurring only for ‘M’ transactions and requires further analysis from DMAS.


If transaction failure occurs, open a VCCC ticket.

Preventative measures are not available



If you are seeing this failure for a transaction sent in September or prior please try to resend. If you continue to see this failure please open a VCCC ticket.

Preventative measures are not available



Transaction Failures that Require Direct MMIS Updates

For the following error codes, preventative measures are not available, so you must contact DMAS to update MMIS directly. Refer to broadcast 9381 for additional instructions.

Failure Code

Failure Code Message

Action Required If Failure Occurs

How to Prevent This Transaction Failure



If you perform a renewal after the renewal is due in the VaCMS and try to send the new renewal date to MMIS, you will receive a Success indicator on the MMIS Transaction History page. However, the transaction will not successfully bridge to MMIS because the case was already automatically closed in MMIS.

If this occurs, coordinate with DMAS to complete the enrollment per instructions provided by DMAS.


Preventative measures are not available


Cancel/Reinstate cannot go back more than 1 year

If transaction failure occurs you should manually update the case in MMIS

Preventative measures are not available


Valid Enrollee ID required

If transaction failure occurs, open a VaCMS ticket and coordinate with DMAS to learn why MMIS is indicating that the Enrollee ID is invalid, then complete the enrollment per instructions provided by DMAS.

Preventative measures are not available


Error in RSX600; Invalid input parameters

You can resend failed transactions with Error Code 5728 to MMIS by clicking the Resend link. If resend also fails please contact DMAS to understand the reason for this failure and for advice on next steps.

Preventative measures are not available


FPL% begin date can only be changed for previous 3 months.

If transaction failure occurs, open a VaCMS ticket and coordinate with DMAS to learn why MMIS is indicating that the Enrollee ID is invalid, then complete the enrollment per instructions provided by DMAS.

Preventative measures are not available.


No Description

If transaction failure occurs, open a VCCC ticket and coordinate with DMAS to learn why the transaction failed, then complete the enrollment per instructions provided by DMAS.

If failure occurred before 10/02/2015, resend the transaction.

Preventative measures are not available.


Key data and choose enter

If transaction failure occurs, open a VCCC ticket and coordinate with DMAS to learn why the transaction failed, then complete the enrollment per instructions provided by DMAS.

If failure has occurred prior to 10/02/2015 then resend the transaction.

Preventative measures are not available.


CICS Error; transaction cancelled

Please coordinate with DMAS to check why this transaction is failing and proceed based on instructions provided by DMAS.

Preventative measures are not available.


DB2 Error; Transaction cancelled

Please coordinate with DMAS to check why this transaction is failing and proceed based on instructions provided by DMAS.

Preventative measures are not available.



Please coordinate with DMAS to check why this transaction is failing and proceed based on instructions provided by DMAS.


Preventative measures are not available.



Please coordinate with DMAS to check why this transaction is failing and proceed based on instructions provided by DMAS.




Preventative measures are not available.



If transaction failure occurs you should open a VCCC ticket and coordinate with DMAS to check why this transaction is failing and proceed based on instructions provided by DMAS.

If failure has occurred prior to 09/13/2015 then resend the transaction.

Preventative measures are not available.



This failure occurs because VaCMS is not aware that the Enrollee ID is already present in MMIS. Please contact DMAS to enroll the client directly in MMIS.

Preventative measures are not available


Updated 10/19/2015